
Foundational skills

The 3 foundational skills offer a comprehensive view of digital literacy, literacy and numeracy learning and describe observable skills. They are fundamental to learning across the curriculum because their development is crucial for students to build understanding of the key knowledge, skills and concepts in the learning areas and capabilities. They are utilised across the entire curriculum and are critical to enabling learning for all students during their years at school.

The foundational skills are not described as curriculums themselves. Literacy and Numeracy are presented as progressions, and the skills in Digital Literacy are presented as a continuum. The development of the foundational skills is enabled by the achievement of the knowledge and skills located mainly in the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Digital Technologies, English and Mathematics. They are extended and applied in the other learning areas and capabilities.

Go to the Foundational Skills pages:

The following downloadable resource will support educators in understanding the foundational skills.