Digital Literacy

Foundational skills

The 3 foundational skills of Digital Literacy, Literacy and Numeracy describe observable skills and are fundamental to learning across the curriculum. Their development is crucial for students to build an understanding of the key knowledge and skills across all the learning areas and capabilities. They are utilised across the entire curriculum and are critical to enabling learning for all students during their school years and beyond.

The foundational skills are not described as curriculums themselves. Literacy and Numeracy are presented as progressions, and the skills in Digital Literacy are presented as a continuum. The foundational skills are provided as reference points for schools to use for curriculum planning and in their teaching practice. Future releases of the website will include resources to help teachers and school leaders use the foundational skills when planning teaching and learning for whole classrooms and for individual students.

Digital Literacy

Digital literacy encompasses the knowledge and skills students need to create, manage, communicate and investigate data, information and ideas, and solve problems. It assists students to work collaboratively at school and in their lives beyond school.

Digital literacy involves students critically identifying and appropriately selecting and using digital devices or systems, and learning to make the most of the technologies available to them. Students adapt to new ways of doing things as technologies evolve, and protect the safety of themselves and others in digital environments.

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