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You are viewing the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0.


Second Language Learner 7–10 Sequence


Levels 7 and 8

Levels 9 and 10

By the end of Level 8, students use Chinese to interact and collaborate with others, and to share information and plan activities in familiar contexts. They recognise and respond to familiar gestures, questions and instructions when interacting with others. They locate and respond to information in texts and use visual and contextual cues to help make meaning. They respond in Chinese or English, and demonstrate their understanding of context, purpose and audience in texts. They use familiar language, modelled sentences and grammatical structures to create texts appropriate to audience. They use some familiar Hanzi and Pinyin to support their...

By the end of Level 10, students initiate and sustain Chinese to exchange and compare ideas and experiences about their own and others’ personal worlds. They communicate using spoken and written language to collaborate, plan and reflect on activities and events. They interpret and analyse information and ideas in texts and demonstrate their understanding of different perspectives. They identify and evaluate information and respond in Chinese or English, adjusting their language to convey meaning and to suit context, purpose and audience. They use structures and features of non-verbal, spoken and written Chinese to create texts. They use Hanzi and/or Pinyin...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8
Content descriptions – Levels 9 and 10