Personal and Social Capability


Rationale and Aims
Learning in Personal and Social Capability

Watch now: To find out more about this curriculum area, watch ‘Understanding the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0, Capabilities’ on the Resources page.

Rationale and Aims


Students with well-developed personal and social skills find it easier to manage themselves, relate to others and face challenges constructively and with resilience. Personal and social skills foster self-efficacy, which leads to students feeling positive about themselves and the world around them.

The Personal and Social Capability curriculum plays an essential role in developing students' personal and social skills, enabling them to understand themselves and others, and navigate their relationships, lives, work and learning.

The Personal and Social Capability curriculum supports students to develop the skills they need for collaboration and working effectively in teams. More broadly, it helps students to form and maintain healthy and respectful relationships and contributes to their capacity to undertake and shape their roles as family, community and workforce members in an increasingly demanding and diverse global society.

The Personal and Social Capability curriculum also supports students to develop a sense of purpose and optimism about their lives and future, and become creative and confident individuals with self-awareness and a sense of self-worth and personal identity that enables them to manage their emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing.


The Personal and Social Capability curriculum aims to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable students to:

  • recognise and manage emotional responses
  • support themselves and others to face personal and social challenges with resilience
  • build awareness of their personal strengths and interests and develop a sense of purpose and wellbeing
  • act with sensitivity towards others and recognise the importance of supporting diversity, engaging with different perspectives, and respecting human rights for creating a cohesive community
  • use interpersonal skills to establish and maintain respectful relationships and effective collaborations.