Level 8


By the end of Level 8, students demonstrate the following skills in English.

Speaking and Listening

When interacting with others, students explore academic vocabulary and use language to support relationships and roles.

They explore and challenge the various meanings in text through discussions with others. They explore rhetorical and literary devices when evaluating and substantiating.

When speaking to an audience, students deliver structured spoken texts, selecting text types appropriate for purpose and audience, including multimodal or digital elements. They use language to suit formal and informal contexts, and appropriate features...

Content descriptions – Level 8


By the end of Level 8, students recognise irrational numbers as numbers that cannot develop from the division of integer values by natural numbers and terminating or recurring decimals. They apply the exponent laws to calculations with numbers involving positive integer exponents. Students solve problems involving the 4 operations with integers and positive rational numbers. They use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving ratios, percentages and rates in measurement and financial contexts.

Students apply algebraic properties to simplify, rearrange, expand and factorise linear expressions. They graph linear relations and solve linear equations with rational solutions...

Content descriptions – Level 8


By the end of Level 8, students analyse how the elements of dance and production elements are manipulated to create dance works. Students describe ways dance works from a range of styles and across cultures, times, places and other contexts communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning, including the works of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. They identify and describe how and why respectful approaches are used in creating, recreating and responding to dance works. Students select, apply and demonstrate an understanding of styles and techniques in dance. Students document and reflect on their dance practice using dance...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8


By the end of Level 8, students analyse how the elements of drama and conventions of different styles are manipulated to create drama works they make or experience. They describe ways in which elements of drama, expressive and performance skills, and design areas across cultures, times, places and other contexts communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning, including the works of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Students describe how and why respectful approaches are used in creating, performing and/or responding to drama works. Students select, apply and demonstrate an understanding of styles and forms when making drama and...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Media Arts

By the end of Level 8, students analyse the use of media arts concepts in media arts works they produce and experience. They describe ways in which media arts concepts in media arts works from across cultures, times, places and other contexts communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning, including the works of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. They identify and describe how and why respectful approaches are used in creating and responding to media arts works.

Students select and manipulate media languages, technologies and production processes to construct representations. They document and reflect on their media arts...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8


By the end of Level 8, students analyse how the elements of music and compositional devices are manipulated in music they compose, perform and experience. They describe ways music from across cultures, times, places and other contexts communicates ideas, perspectives and meaning, including in the works of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. They identify and describe how and why respectful approaches are used in composing, performing and responding to music.

Students exploit elements of music and compositional devices and demonstrate listening and aural skills to compose music that communicates ideas, perspectives and meaning. They document/notate and/or...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Visual Arts

By the end of Level 8, students analyse how visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials are manipulated in artworks they create and experience. They describe ways that visual artists across cultures, times, places and other contexts communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning through their visual arts practice including the artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. They identify and describe how and why respectful approaches are used in creating and responding to artworks.

Students select and manipulate visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials to explore and develop ideas for artworks. They document and reflect on...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Visual Communication Design

By the end of Level 8, students analyse how visual language and visual communication practices are used in visual communication designs they create and experience. They describe ways designers across cultures, times, places and other contexts communicate ideas and information in a range of contexts and fields of design practice, including the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. They identify and describe the ethical, legal and cultural responsibilities of designers working across fields of design practice and apply these principles in their own design practice.

Students select and manipulate visual language, methods, media and materials...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Critical and Creative Thinking

By the end of Level 8, students construct and use main questions and sub-questions for different purposes. They select, use and reflect on a range of strategies to generate new ideas and possibilities, they suspend judgement to support generating and evaluating alternative ideas and possibilities and they reflect on the importance of suspending judgement.

Students identify, structure and communicate a conclusion and a justification for the conclusion that involves analysis and evaluation of competing claims and grounds for these claims. They identify and use criteria to support, analyse, evaluate and improve reasoning. They identify and explain a...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Ethical Capability

By the end of Level 8, students identify the meaning of and criteria associated with a range of ethical concepts. They identify and explain reasons for similarities and differences in ethical perspectives.

Students identify and explain an ethical issue, comparing ethical perspectives involved. They identify and explain a range of actions in response to an ethical issue and explain the consequences, with reference to ethical concepts. Students explain and reflect on decision-making between competing actions in response to an ethical issue, with reference to an ethical framework and ethical concepts, and they compare ethical perspectives on...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Health and Physical Education

By the end of Level 8, students analyse factors that influence identities and responses to change, and describe strategies to support themselves and others in responding to these influences. They analyse how stereotypes, respect, empathy and valuing diversity influence relationships. They analyse factors that influence emotional responses and justify strategies to manage emotions. Students analyse the effectiveness of assertive communication strategies, protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies applied online and offline (interacting with others). They analyse health information and messages to propose and design strategies that can enhance their own and others’ health, safety, relationships and wellbeing.


Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Civics and Citizenship

By the end of Level 8, students analyse the roles of key institutions and political actors in Australia’s democracy and the ways in which citizens participate in democracy. They explain the characteristics and types of law in Australia, and the principles and features of the Australian legal system, including how citizens can participate in lawmaking. Students discuss democratic values and their influence on contemporary Australian society, and the diverse perspectives of individuals and groups towards citizenship and identity. Students describe the nature of Australian society and how Australians express different aspects of their identity and communities, including...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Economics and Business

By the end of Level 8, students can explain how free markets influence the allocation of resources. Students describe the reasons businesses exist, accurately categorise businesses, analyse the importance of entrepreneurship to business success and explain how businesses identify and take advantage of market opportunities.

Students describe different ways Australians may derive income, and they analyse the changing nature of work in contemporary Australia and make logical predictions about the future of work. Students outline the operations of Australia’s taxation system and explain reasons why individuals and businesses must plan to achieve financial goals.

Students identify the...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8


By the end of Level 8, students can analyse different interpretations of the establishment of early societies, explain global patterns of continuity and change and the sources of historical evidence of the period. They can describe the historical significance of the histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ histories and cultures, ancient societies of Europe, Africa or Asia, and societies leading to the modern world between 600 and 1750 CE.

Students develop and apply historical questions to support the process of historical inquiry, when using historical concepts and sources across the range of historical contexts....

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Intercultural Capability

By the end of Level 8, students explain how cultural change can influence identity and a sense of belonging and inclusion. They evaluate cultural safety in different intercultural contexts. They explain the importance of rights and responsibilities, and evaluate how they intersect with worldviews in different contexts.

Students analyse the challenges and benefits of living and working in a culturally diverse society and an interconnected and culturally diverse world.

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Personal and Social Capability

By the end of Level 8, students identify emotional complexity and its causes and consequences in personal and social contexts.

They analyse a range of ways to support themselves and others in personal and social contexts, select strategies and justify their decisions, taking into consideration likely outcomes and contextual and other influencing factors, and analyse the results. They identify, explain and reflect on strategies for responding to challenges and factors that influence success in responsible decision-making and working independently.

Students analyse how respectful and non-respectful relationships are expressed and experienced between diverse individuals and groups in different...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8


By the end of Level 8, students explain how new evidence can lead to changes in scientific knowledge. They discuss how people with different understandings, skills, perspectives and worldviews have worked in multidisciplinary teams to develop scientific knowledge. They discuss the relevant ethical, environmental, social and economic considerations associated with a proposed scientific response to a selected socio-scientific issue. They analyse the importance of science communication in shaping viewpoints, policies and regulations.

Students explain how biological diversity is ordered and organised. They explain the role of specialised cell structures and organelles in cellular function, and distinguish...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Chinese (F–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 8, students initiate and maintain Chinese-language interactions in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts related to a range of interests and experiences. They use Chinese to collaborate and problem-solve, and adjust their language in response to others. They interpret information, ideas and opinions in texts. They demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences between languages, in both familiar and some unfamiliar contexts, by adjusting and reorganising responses. They sequence information and ideas, and select and use vocabulary, sentence structures and expressions to create texts in Hanzi, which are appropriate to context, purpose and...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Chinese (7–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 8, students use Chinese to interact and collaborate with others, and to share information and plan activities in familiar contexts. They recognise and respond to familiar gestures, questions and instructions when interacting with others. They locate and respond to information in texts and use visual and contextual cues to help make meaning. They respond in Chinese or English, and demonstrate their understanding of context, purpose and audience in texts. They use familiar language, modelled sentences and grammatical structures to create texts appropriate to audience. They use some familiar Hanzi and Pinyin to...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

French (F–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 8, students initiate and maintain French-language interactions in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts related to a range of interests and experiences. They use French to collaborate and problem-solve, and adjust their language in response to others. They interpret information, ideas and opinions in texts. They demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences between languages, in both familiar and some unfamiliar contexts, by adjusting and reorganising responses. They sequence information and ideas, and select and use vocabulary, sentence structures and expressions to create texts appropriate to context, purpose and audience.

Students apply...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

French (7–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 8, students use French to interact and collaborate with others, and to share information and plan activities in familiar contexts. They recognise and respond to familiar gestures, questions and instructions when interacting with others. They locate and respond to information in texts and use visual and contextual cues to help make meaning. They respond in French or English, and demonstrate their understanding of context, purpose and audience in texts. They use familiar language, modelled sentences and grammatical structures to create texts appropriate to audience.

Students begin to use pronunciation, intonation and rhythm...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Italian (F–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 8, students initiate and maintain Italian-language interactions in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts related to a range of interests and experiences. They use Italian to collaborate and problem-solve, and adjust their language in response to others. They interpret information, ideas and opinions in texts. They demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences between languages, in both familiar and some unfamiliar contexts, by adjusting and reorganising responses. They sequence information and ideas, and select and use vocabulary, sentence structures and expressions to create texts appropriate to context, purpose and audience.

Students apply the...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Italian (7–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 8, students use Italian to interact and collaborate with others, and to share information and plan activities in familiar contexts. They recognise and respond to familiar gestures, questions and instructions when interacting with others. They locate and respond to information in texts and use visual and contextual cues to help make meaning. They respond in Italian or English, and demonstrate their understanding of context, purpose and audience in texts. They use familiar language, modelled sentences and grammatical structures to create texts appropriate to audience.

Students begin to use pronunciation, intonation and rhythm...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Japanese (F–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 8, students initiate and maintain Japanese-language interactions in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts related to a range of interests and experiences. They use Japanese to collaborate and problem-solve, and adjust their language in response to others. They interpret information, ideas and opinions in texts. They demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences between languages, in both familiar and some unfamiliar contexts, by adjusting and reorganising responses. They sequence information and ideas, and select and use vocabulary, sentence structures and expressions to create texts in Hiragana, Katakana and some Kanji, which are appropriate...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Japanese (7–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 8, students use Japanese to interact and collaborate with others, and to share information and plan activities in familiar contexts. They recognise and respond to familiar gestures, questions and instructions when interacting with others. They locate and respond to information in texts and use visual and contextual cues to help make meaning. They respond in Japanese or English, and demonstrate their understanding of context, purpose and audience in texts. They use familiar language, modelled sentences and grammatical structures to create texts appropriate to audience. They use some familiar Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji,...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Design and Technologies

By the end of Level 8, students explain how people design, innovate and produce products, services and environments that address ethical considerations. For each of the 4 Technologies Contexts sub-strands, they discuss how the features of technologies impact on design decisions, and create designed solutions based on analysis of needs or opportunities. Students generate and adapt design ideas, processes and solutions, and justify their decisions against their own and others’ predetermined design criteria for ethical considerations, including sustainability and worldviews. They communicate design ideas and solutions to audiences using technical terms, graphical representation techniques and appropriate attributions....

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Digital Technologies

By the end of Level 8, students select appropriate hardware for particular tasks. They explain how data is transmitted and secured in networks. Students identify and describe cyber security threats.

Students represent data using integers and binary. They acquire, manipulate and validate data using spreadsheets and single-table databases. Students interpret, model and visualise data using spreadsheets and database queries to draw conclusions. They select and use a range of digital tools to create, locate and communicate content, applying common conventions. Students use a range of digital tools to plan tasks, share content online, and manage individual and...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8


By the end of Level 8, students explain the interconnections between people and places and environments, and environmental processes. They explain how these interconnections change places or environments. Students explain responses or strategies to address a geographical phenomenon, issue or challenge, referring to environmental, economic or social factors. They explain the sustainable management of water as a valuable renewable resource. Students explain liveability and consider the ways in which it is measured and changed by people. They analyse ways that human activities change landforms and landscapes and ways of managing and protecting them. Students explain the processes...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8