
About the Humanities

The Humanities provide a framework for students to examine the human-related systems and processes that have shaped the world. Through the Humanities, students investigate people’s interconnections with society, groups and other individuals and with built and natural environments.

In the Victorian Curriculum F–10, the Humanities includes Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography and History.

Civics and Citizenship

In Civics and Citizenship, students learn about and participate in the systems that contribute to society, including those political, legal and civic institutions and systems of Australia and the world that promote democracy and democratic values, laws and citizenship. Students investigate and respond to civics and citizenship issues, evaluate democratic institutions and systems, and participate in civic processes, supporting them to become active, informed and responsible citizens.

Economics and Business

In Economics and Business, students explore the financial, business, economic and work systems, processes and interconnections that shape contemporary society in Australia and around the world. They are exposed to knowledege and skills that equip them to function as citizens, consumers, business owners and workers. They explore issues relevant to economics, business work and financial literacy.


In History, students learn about the events and actions that have shaped and continue to shape different societies and cultures in Australia and around the world. Students learn to appreciate the common humanity shared across time and distance and to evaluate the ways humans have faced and continue to face diverse challenges. Students develop the skills to think historically, by asking questions about the past, using chronology to observe causation and change, using historical sources, and applying the historical concepts of continuity and change, cause and consequence, and historical significance to develop evidence-based arguments.


In Geography, students learn about the interconnected relationships between people, places and environments in Australia and around the world. They explore geographical diversity, collect and analyse data, and consider how human impacts on natural environments can be managed sustainably at different scales. Students develop the skills to engage in geographical inquiry, including fieldwork, applying geographical concepts and identifying actions and strategies to respond to geographical phenomena, issues and challenges.